Personal projects

Who is the fairest of them all?


Submission to 60secs shortfilm festival
Style: Silent film
Director: Josephine Celine
Story: Josephine Celine
Assistent: William Dinesen

Women today face intense beauty standards shaped by social media and popular culture, creating pervasive feelings of inadequacy and frustration, as they strive for often unattainable ideals. These expectations fuel a relentless pursuit of perfection and a feeling that they can never be at ease in their natural state.

Personal projects



My work "Yes, No, Maybe" explores the deep feelings that arise when one's personal boundaries are crossed. I examine the gap that always exists in relationships between people, and the borderland that is often crossed, leading to a dark and painful inner state.

The inspiration for this project came from conversations, my own personal experiences and the increasing incidence of sexual assault in recent years. My aim is to capture and convey the feeling of being trapped, of losing a part of oneself, and at the same time finding a way to liberation.

Personal projects


Portraying returning dreams and the meaning of them.

Personal projects

a fleeting moment in time.


I wanted to create a portrait series of a country through a car window. My goal was to capture what simply existed—and has become a “random” portrait of a country and its lives. I think we’ve all experienced it at some point. You’re sitting in a car, and the world rushes past.

Sometimes you lock eyes with someone, or you witness a scene that leaves an impression—something about it pulls you in. And then, in less than a second, it’s gone.


IT - jobbank report

Issue: Karriereudvikling og kunstig intelligens